Hi, September C. Fawkes here. Sometimes I scare people with my enthusiasm for writing. I work as a freelance editor, writing instructor, and award-winning writing tip blogger. I have edited for both award-winning and best-selling authors, as well as beginning writers. My approach has been described as “thorough,” “precise,” and “kind." I’d love to find a way to help take your writing to the next level.

Developmental Editing
In developmental editing (also called content editing), I analyze the larger parts of the story, and give feedback and guidance on aspects such as characters, plot, setting & worldbuilding, theme, and structure. I may also cover other elements, like subtext, context, audience experience and appeal, relationships, and narrative pacing. This edit focuses on what the story is.
Line Editing
In line editing, I go through the manuscript and evaluate the way the story is written, looking at such things as descriptions, dialogue, blocking, flow, line-by-line continuity, specificity, clarity in meaning, sentence structure, word choice, and how accurately the writer is communicating to the reader. I will consider how the writer can communicate more powerfully. I may also watch for grammatical issues and reoccurring punctuation problems. This edit focuses on how the story is told.